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HI!! I am Xin and is currently 18 years old! Animals are one of the passions of my life!! I wish to bring everyone joy by sharing my love of animals with you :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dog obsessions @_@

Greetings everyone! 

Xin here, and as a typical animal lover, I would always check the daily animal news on the national geographic website,watch animal videos on YouTube  and  look at classified ads even though I'm not getting a pet -___- 

It's just becoming an obsession that I enjoy.___.

Anyways, recently I've became so obsessed with different breeds of dogs!! *_* SO FLUFFY AND CUTE!!

The American Eskimo 

American Eskimos are such good looking dogs!!! However, I can only dream to adopt one ;-; Even my mom (who doesn't like animals all that much) says that they look like they're so smart. They come in 3 sizes, toy, mini and regular....I always thought they looked like white Pomeranian, and it's so hard TO TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO WHEN THEY'RE PUPPIES!!

Can you tell the difference? IT'S HARD!!

The papillon

These cute dogs comes in flop eared and with ears that stands up. I always liked the flopped ears, but it seems like the upright ears are so much more popular because it looks like butterflies...? Anyways, these adorable puppies look like royalties with floppy ears >_< so totally adorable!!!

The Maltese 

I've always loved the Maltese's calm nature and how loving they are to their owners. I know, not all Maltese are the same, all dogs have different personalities, but the basic temperament is almost similar isn't it? I've seen some websites saying that dogs tend to adapt the personality of their owners. 

Well, I haven't seen dogs with the same personality as their owners, buuuuut, I've seen pictures of pets who LOOK LIKE their owners, and it pretty funny XD

HAHAHA, I like this one!! even their hair style is the same!!

Anyways, there are so many different breeds out there!!! and I enjoy all different breeds as long as they're friendly, loving and loyal ^_^